I am professor emeritus of philosophy living with my wife, Paula Eubanks, on St. Simons Island, a beautiful little resort town on the Georgia coast. We also spend part of our time on a nearby, semi-wilderness island where we have a cabin.*This affords me the opportunity to write and think, and it provides Paula, who is an photographer/artist, an ideal setting in which to practice her craft. To break up the intensity of thinking and writing, and to stay in shape, I jog (slowly) 4 miles a week and participate casually in competitive races locally and in far-flung cities. In my most recent far-flung competition, the Chicago 10K Lung Cancer Run, I had the dubious honor of finishing first in my age group and last in the field. My only consolation was that the next oldest man in the race was 14 years my junior. In this and in all other endeavors, my motto is: "Hang in there."** * Update, January 2024. Sold. Pack, load car, unload at dock, load boat, unload boat, load car on other island, carry 2 suitcases and two coolers upstairs and unpack, in a few days do it all in reverse. Try it in 90 degree Georgia heat at 87. A bit much, even for a cabin in paradise. **April 23, 2022 Belated update: My jogging has now slowed to the point that only the discriminating can distinguish it from a brisk walk. A friend calls it "slogging." So, no more competitive races: too far behind the pack. This poem, published today, pretty much sums it up: https://bloomsite.wordpress.com/2022/04/26/bloom-creative-writing-the-end-of-the-season-by-david-blumenfeld/https://bloomsite.wordpress.com/2022/04/26/bloom-creative-writing-the-end-of-the-season-by-david-blumenfeld/ |